


  1、着色剂(在塑料材料中)AP(89)1         Colourants (in plastic material) AP(89)1

  非可见迁移(成品测试)  No visible migration(for finished products)

  金属和非金属成分  Metals and metalloids

  炭黑(只针对炭黑)  carbon black(only for carbon black)

  无机镉染料  Inorganic cadmium pigments

  初级非硫化芳香胺,特定芳香胺和硫化芳香胺   specific aromatic amine(Benzidine, 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminodiphenyl) and sulphonated aromatic amines

  多氯联苯  Polychlorinated biphenyls

  非硫化芳香胺(只针对粉末类样品,请指出测试按颜料还是染料)  unsulphonated Aromatic amines(only for powder sample, and indicate test according to pigments or dyes )

  2、橡胶  AP (2004)4           Rubber AP (2004)4

  全面迁移之10% 酒精浸取法(pH>4.5水性食物)   Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods)

  全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法(pH≤4.5酸性食物)   Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH≤4.5 acidic foods)

  全面迁移之20% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度≤20%的食物)   Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content≤20% foods)

  全面迁移之50% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度>20%的食物或水包油食物)  Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content≤20% foods)

  全面迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物浸取法(脂肪性食物)   Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil

  3、纸张AP (2002)1        Paper and board articles AP (2002)1  

  五氯苯酚   Pentachlorophenol (PCP)

  防腐效力     Preserving effect

  冷热水中重金属释出量(Pb、Cd、Hg)  Extractable heavy metal(Pb, Cd, Hg) in cold water or hot water

  荧光物质 (有四种模拟液根据实际使用情况选择)      Fluorescent matter

  4、有机涂层 AP(2004)1          Organic coating  AP(2004)1

  全面迁移之10% 酒精浸取法(pH>4.5水性食物)   Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods)

  全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法(pH≤4.5酸性食物)  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH≤4.5 acidic foods)

  全面迁移之20% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度≤20%的食物)  Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content≤20% foods)

  全面迁移之50% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度>20%的食物或水包油食物)   Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions)

  全面迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物浸取法  Overall migration in   rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil

  3%醋酸中BADGE,BADGE衍生物,BFDGE,NOGE的特殊迁移(针对环氧涂层)  Specific migration of BADGE, BADGE derivatives, BFDGE, NOGE in 3% acetic acid (For epoxy coating)

  5、软木塞 AP(2004)2         Cork stoppers  AP(2004)2

  五氯苯酚    Pentachlorophenol (PCP)


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